The WTOS Friends’ Scheme offers you the chance to support the important work of the Festival.
We do not receive governmental or major, long-term corporate funding, so the generosity
of our Friends is invaluable in enabling the
Festival to expand and develop.
Friends may come to any, or all, of the sessions without paying at the door,
except for a small charge at the Garden Rooms
and also attend the Annual General Meeting
where policy decisions are made.
Plus you will receive invitations to various events throughout the year.
Your membership subscriptions
or a donation will be greatly appreciated
and help this long-standing, well known
and highly respected Festival
to continue in the face of constantly
rising expenditure.
Become a Single Friend for £10.00pa
Become a Couples Friend for £20.00pa
A huge team of volunteers give their time
to greet performers; sell tickets
and programmes;
introduce the adjudicators and performers
and organise the paperwork
and trophies.
Following simple training,
you will be working alongside
a very friendly group of volunteers,
so it’s rewarding and a lot of fun.
If you feel you would be able to help us to
keep the Festival as successful as it has been
for over 100 years,
please consider being a volunteer.
As a registered charity
we rely solely on the entry fees and
generous donations of our sponsors.
Perhaps you would like to sponsor
your favourite class which would be
acknowledged in the programme
and announced before the performance.
If you would like to take out an advertisement
in our programme, please get in touch